Tyler 13th December 2018

Hey Laura, It feels weird writing down what I've been thinking in my head, and the words don't seem to resonate as well written down but here goes... You taught me a lot while we were growing up and I wish I had told you more often about the strength I drew from you as I went from being a child to a teen (you knew, but I wish I'd said it more). You always knew what to say to make me feel good about myself and now I try to do the same for others. I'm glad our mum's were friends so I got to know you when we were kids, we grew up rolling our eyes at them (yet who didn't! 😂) but we loved them so much anyway no matter what anyone else thought. I'm not saying I knew you the longest or that we were best friends but you are in my thoughts nearly every day and it's because you were one of the brightest people I knew. Wherever you are now, you'll be lighting up the sky, and I only hope people look up and smile because that's all you ever wanted..xXx